Minggu, 03 Februari 2013


(+) Positive
Subject +should/would + be + verb 1-ing + object/adverb

“Should” use for subject I, You, They, and We. “Would” use for subject She, He, and It.
1.      They told us that they should be having dinner when we visited them at night.
2.      She told him that she would be waiting on the bus station at seven that night.
3.      My mother would be preparing breakfast at six yesterday morning.

Subject + should/would + not + verb 1-ing + object/adverb
(-) Negative

1.      They told us that they shouldn’t having dinner when we visited them at night.
2.      She told him that she wouldn’t waiting on the bus station at seven that night.
3.      My mother wouldn’t preparing breakfast at six yesterday morning.

Should/would + subject + be + Verb 1-ing + object/adverb
(?) Interrogative

1.      Should they be having dinner when we visited them at night?
2.      Would she be waiting on the bus station at seven that night?
3.      Would my mother preparing breakfast at six yesterday morning?

The Used of Past Future Continuous Tense
1.      Used as a past form from Present Future Continuous Tense to express an event is being done at certain time in the future.

Example :
He would be reading the novel from seven to ten last night.
(Dia akan sedang membaca novel itu pada pukul tujuh sampai sepuluh kemarin malam)

2.     Used with the main clause which is the in form of Simple Past Tense to express an event was being done at certain time in the past or to express estimation to an event or action was being done in the past.

Example :  
He was sure his friend would not be discussing the problem at eight to ten that day.
(Dia yakin teman-temannya tidak akan sedang membahas masalah itu pada pukul delapan sampai sepuluh hari itu)

3.      Used to express something matter / deed which shouldn't be happened  in the future, but in reality, the deed or matter was happened. In this case we use “should”.

Example :
They shouldn’t be sitting here chatting. They should be attending the math class now.
(Mereka seharusnya tidak sedang duduk disini bercanda. Mereka seharusnya sedang mengikuti kelas matematika)

4.      Used to changed direct speech which in the form of Present Future Continuous Tense into indirect speech.

Example :
Direct speech :
She told him : “ I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.”
Indirect Speech :
She told him that she would be waiting for him there the following day.



(+) Positive
                   Subject + to be + verb 1-ing + object/adverb

Subject                  to be
I                             am
You                       are
They                      are
We                         are
She                        is   
He                         is
It                           is

Examples :
  1. My mother is cooking in the kitchen.
  2. I am studying in the classroom.
  3. They are doing homework.

Subject +to be+ not + verb 1-ing + object/adverb
(-) Negative

  1. My mother is not cooking in the kitchen.
  2. I am not studying in the classroom.
  3. They are not doing homework.

To be + Subject + Verb 1-ing + object/adverb
(?) Interrogative

  1. Is my mother cooking in the kitchen?
  2. Are you studying in the classroom?
  3. Are they doing their homework?

The Used of Present Continuous Tense
1.    It is used to express an event or deed which is happening when we talk. For this used oftentimes using adverb of time like now, right now, at the moment, at present.
Example :
My brothers are watching television now.
(Saudara laki-lakiku  sedang menonton televisi sekarang)

2.      It is used to express event or deed which is happening now, but don’t have to be happened or take place at the time of talking.
Example :
Mr. David is writing a novel.
(Tuan David sedang menulis sebuah novel)

3.      It is used to express a plan which is sure being done in the nearby.
Example :
We are visiting him tonight.
(Kami akan mengunjunginya malam nanti)

4.      Used to express a deed that happened repeatedly. For this purpose, oftentimes using adverb of time like always, continually, constantly, forever.
Example :
My grandfather is always losing his walking stick.
(Kakekku selalu saja kehilangan tongkatnya.)

5.      The form of Present Continuous Tense is usually used to represent some deeds which is done directly or intentionally (deliberate actions), in consequence typical of Present Continuous Tense is inveterate used with a few kinds of certain verb (stative verb). Where, stative verb is a verb that showing present time but may not be formed in continuous but have to in simple present, among other things.

-          Know
-          Understand
-          Have
-          Realize
-          Sound
-          Believe
-          Hate
-          Need
-          Mean
-          Own
-          Hear
-          Love
-          Appear
-          Belong
-          Forget
-          Like
-          Suppose
-          Remember
-          Smell
-          Want
-          Wish
-          Prefer
-          Seem

Subject + would/should + have + verb III + object/adverb
(+) Positive

  1. He would have built the house by July last year.
  2. Andi would have moved to solo by the end of May two years ago.
  3. You should have finished the task yesterday.
Subject + would/should + not + have + verb III + object/adverb
(-) Negative

  1. He wouldn’t have built the house by July last year.
  2. Andi wouldn’t have moved to solo by the end of May two years ago.
  3. You shouldn’t have finished the task yesterday.
Would/should + subject + have + verb III + object/adverb
(?) Interrogative

  1. Would he have built the house by July last year ?
  2. Would Andi have moved to solo by the end of May two years ago ?
  3. Should you have finished the task yesterday ?
The used of Past Future Perfect Tense
1.      It is used to express an event or deed that would have happened or would have done at a certain time in the past.

Example :
He would have built the house by July last year.
(Dia akan telah membangun rumah itu menjelang Juli tahun lalu.)
2.      It is used to express an event or deed that would have happened/would have done before or when the other event at the future past.

Example  :
I would have entered the SMU before my older brother graduated from the university three years ago.
(Saya akan telah masuk SMU sebelum kakak laki-lakiku lulus dari universitas tiga tahun lalu.)
3.      It is used as a main clause in Conditional Sentence (type 3), while its clause (If Clause) staying in form of past perfect tense. This form is used to express a condition or expectation which is contrary to the fact in the past, thereby the meaning contained in its sentence at variance with fact truthfully.
Example :
She would have come here if you hadn’t forgotten to invite her yesterday.
(Dia akan telah  datang kesini seandainya kamu telah tidak lupa untuk mengundang dia kemarin)
4.      Should is used to express a deed that should have done in the past, but it should haven’t done.
Example :
You should have finished the task yesterday
(Kamu seharusnya telah menyelesaikan tugas itu kemarin)

D.   Past Continuous Tense
Subject + was/were + verb 1-ing + object/adverb

1. Transpiration was starting to increase at 8 a.m. this morning
Subject + was/were+ not + verb 1-ing +object/adverb
(-) Negative


1.      My daughter was not watching TV at eight o’clock last night
Was/were + subject + verb 1-ing + object/adverb
(?) Interrogative

1.      Was your daughter watching TV at eight o’clock last night?

The used of Past Continuous Tense

1.      It’s used to express the event /deed in the past which was happened for sometime in dicey deadline or it’s assumed nothing of to be known. Thereby the start time and the end time of the event/deed were dicey.

Example :
They were discussing something for hours
( Mereka sedang mendiskusikan sesuatu selama berjam-jam)

2.      If it is followed with a certain time dot, used to express an event or deed that happened/done before that time and possibly to always happened after that time.

Example :
At seven this morning she was bathing the baby
(Pukul 7 pagi ini dia sedang memandikan bayi)

3.      If it is used without certain time, can be used to express an event or deed which is happened step by step at the past.  

Apabila digunakan tanpa titik waktu tertentu, bisa digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang secara berangsur-angsur di masa lampau.
Example :
The weather was getting colder
(Cuaca semakin dingin)
4.      It is used to express an event/ deed which were being happened/was being done at certain time in the past.  For this purpose it’s oftentimes used for the adverb of time like all day, all night, all afternoon, all morning, joined from seven to ten, etc which is followed by the adverb of time in simple past tense.
Example  :
The children were watching all morning yesterday.
(Anak-anak menonton tv sepanjang pagi kemarin.)

5.      Used to express 2 events that happened alternately in the past, whereas the first event is happening when the second event happened. First event expressed the past continuous tense form, while second event expressed in the form of simple past tense. For this purpose is used  the adverb like when, while, as ( meaning " when ) where “when” can be used for the past of continuous tense and also simple past tense, meanwhile and as only can be used by past continuous tense.

Example :
When  I was studying , someone knocked at the door.
( Ketika saya sedang belajar, seseorang mengetuk pintu)

6.     It is used to express 2 event happened /was being happened concurrently the past. For this purpose we used adverb of time like while/whereas.

Example :
We were studying whereas my sister was listening to the radio.
( Kami sedang belajar sedangkan saudara perempuanku mendengarkan radio.)

7.      It is used to express a deed which is would be done in the past, but the deed don’t become done because of something.

Example :
I was visiting him but his suddenly appeared in my house.
(Saya sebetulnya akan mengunjungi dia tetapi tiba-tiba dia muncul dirumahku.)

8.      As present continuous tense, it can used to express a plan which will be done during nearby, hence past continuous tense even also can be used to express the plan would be done immediately in the past.
Example  :
He packed his clothes, He was leaving for Jakarta.
(Dia mengemasi pakaian-pakaiannya , dia akan berangkat ke Jakarta.)

9.      Past Continuous tense also used to express an event that make feel annoyed/ sick over in the past time, if it’s followed by the words like always, constantly, and forever, like in the form of present continuous tense.
Example :
He was always calling her at night.
( Dia selalu menelponnya di malam hari)

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